City of Andrews, TX


This is a collection of commonly asked questions and their answers. If you don't find an answer here or would like additional information, please feel free to call Municipal Court at (432) 524-2791 or City Hall at (432) 523-4820, then press 5.

Contact Information:
Makaylee Baeza
Court Clerk

How much is my ticket?

When do I have to pay?

Will my ticket affect my driving record?

What are the hours for the office of Municipal Court?

How do I tell if my ticket is under the jurisdiction of Municipal Court?

How can I check and see if I have any tickets/citations at Municipal Court?

Where can I get information on an arrest warrant?

I missed my court date. What are my options?

Can you tell me the date and time of my Court setting?

I have a court date today. Can I come in and pay my ticket before my court appearance?

My deadline has passed to complete, return certificate or obtain driver's record from the Department of Public Safety for the Driver Safety Course. What do I need to do?

What is the difference between "Guilty" and "No Contest"?

I received a letter from the Department of Public Safety regarding the suspension of my driver's license. How can I get this corrected?

What if I failed to answer a summons?

What do I wear?